To get them off of your computer, you will need to find were these photographs are stored. In most cases they will be stored in "my documents" in Windows. To get to this you will need to click on the word Start at the bottom left corner of your screen, open documents, and then go to my documents.
From there you will select the photo that you wish to delete, click on it once and then right click and select delete. While this sounds complicated, a few practice clicks will give you practice to be able to do this like a pro.
To remove these permanently from your computer exit out of this screen, and right click on your trash can on the desktop and hit empty recycle bin. This method also works for deleting the photos that you receive from e-mails and on USB memory sticks.
To remove photos from your camera, you can review them through the menu and decide to delete them from the device at that time. Most cameras will require you to confirm that you want to leave them, but once it is done they will be removed from the memory. You can also attach the camera to your computer and remove them with the steps outlined above.
Deleting photos from your electronic devices is a relatively easy process if you take your time to break the steps down into manageable parts. You are not stuck with keeping photographs that you do not want and a few clicks of your mouse can quickly get rid of them for you.
Make sure that you securely delete photos from your camera so that no-one can retrieve them with this photo eraser software.
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Picture this blog by : Biyang
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